Dewaynes Scott’s new release, Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone is a modern-day parable about a dog inside an invisible fence. This easy to understand analogue is the the spiritual launching pad for practical lessons on understanding your fears and depending more on the Creator to grow you in ways never imagined.
STEPPING OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE begins with an illustration that most people are familiar with it’s an invisible fence used primarily for dogs.
How does the fence work? A metal line is buried underground around the perimeter of the property where the invisible fence boundaries will be and a device is put around the animal's neck that communicates with the metal line buried below. If the dog crosses the boundary, he or she receives a mild shock. This shock serves to remind the dog of its boundaries and keep it safe.
The animal might test the boundary just a few more times to validate its existence but over time, it will learn to stay within the boundary. Why?
The fear of the pain keeps it within a safe boundary to avoid any danger outside of the invisible fence.
By now, you've guessed it — human beings have invisible fences, too (or what this book calls comfort zones)!

Just like the dog's fence, your comfort zone is "invisible" but serves its purpose very well. Your comfort zones keep you in places that are stable, predictable and familiar.
But unlike the dog, you are there by choice — maybe it's intentional or maybe its subconscious. However, the best thing about choice is you can always make a change.
STEPPING OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE is a personal journey, written in an easy to understand chapters followed by reader reflections. All the ideas presented are there to move you to expand your comfort zone so that you can fulfill your purpose and experience the joy and inner peace that comes with it!
Just like Dewayne’s live workshops, each chapter reveals a short sketch helping you visualize the concepts. You’ll address the following topics:
The Story of The Invisible Fence
The Fear Factor
No Pain, No Gain
Who Has Your Ear?
Jumping Into The Water
Pushed Into The Water
Going Through to Get to Mindset
By Faith I Can See

Each chapter ends with what the writer terms, “A Look At The Book.” Reflect on the chapter’s principles with encouraging, instructional scriptures and thought-provoking questions to help you identify and intentionally move out of your comfort zone.

Dewayne Scott composed this book the way he teaches — with practical, easy-to-understand examples and sketches. Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone combines his 15 years of corporate management experience, plus 17 years as an entrepreneur and his 20+ years of serving as an elder, teacher, and minister at his local congregation.
Dewayne has been married to Kaye-Johnson Scott for 35 years and they have three children, a daughter-in-law and three grandchildren.
Dewayne credits his "success" to God and allowing Him to stretch his faith. He's now at a stage in his life where he wants to share his story and encourage others to step outside their comfort zone and accept what God has intended for their life.